I'm just ...
... trying - I really am. And yet it seems like just another try. But I'll keep on trying, maintaining the effort - even redoubling it. What for? I wish I'd be more certain...
I can only guess and think about it but the more I'm thinking about it the harder it gets to succeed in what I'm trying. I can only try. Where does that road lead? Where the other? What is my goal? What am I trying by the way? What would change if I'd change?
I'm just trying. But life's a bitch. And being blessed / burdened with a mind does it's part, too. Why not be satisfied - why think? Why not be anywhere and do anything - why think? Why not be me - why think what I am?
Thank god I'll think differently in a few hours - welcome back Dr. Jekyll, good night Mr. Hyde.
Nice thoughts, I can imagine..NO I can feel it at the moment!
8. Juli 2008 um 20:20
nochmal zu errinerung:
Nach einer Tragzeit von dreißig Tagen bringen Murmeltiere zwei bis fünf Junge zur Welt, wobei die einzelgängerischen Arten größere Würfe als die kolonienbildenden haben.
Chris, immer schön weiterversuchen.
Kannst ja auchmal Viagra oder anderes Spielzeug benutzen.
Oder doch endlich den Spiegel an die Decke ^^
9. Juli 2008 um 12:05
Ja Fred, auf den Spiegel warte ich schon lange, aber bald ist ja wieder Weihnachten und dann hab ich Geburtstag ... ;-)
9. Juli 2008 um 16:35
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