Montag, August 07, 2006


"Have you ever walked through a room
But it was more like the room passed around you
Like there was a leash around your neck that pulled you through
Have you ever been at someplace
Recognizing everybody's face
Until you realized that there was no one there you knew
Well I know
Some days, my soul's confined and out of mind
Sleep forever
Some days, I'm so outshined and out of time
Have you ever buried your face in your hands
Cause no one around you understands
Or has the slightest idea what it is that makes you be
Have you ever felt like there was more
Like someone else was keeping score
And what could make you whole was simply out of reach
Well I know
Someday I'll try again and not pretend
This time forever
Someday I'll get it straight but not today
When the truth walks away
Everybody stays
Cause the truth about the world is that crime does pay
So if you walk away
Who is gonna stay
Cause I'd like to think the world is a better place"

Tja, dieser Zeilen des Songs "Have you ever" von The Offspring waren vor einiger Zeit (aber was ist schon Zeit? Vor kurzem oder schon vor einer halben Ewigkeit?) für mich ziemlich treffend.
Aber das war einmal...egal welche Schlinge man um den Kopf hat, man muss seinen eigenen Weg gehen. Rückschläge müssen mit einkalkuliert - ebenso wie Opfer - und die Blume am Wegesrand gepflückt werden. Klingt egoistisch? Selbstüberschätzend?
Hhmm, vielleicht....aber nein, doch nicht. Always follow your heart and never give up!! Erst dann, wenn man mit sich selbst im Reinen ist, kann man sein innerstes Ich auf andere loslassen.
Knowing yourself is worth all the efforts/sacrifices...


Anonymous Anonym said...

no comments, klappe die zweite.
wir steigen in der szene der nichtbeachtung ein.
and action!!!


16. August 2006 um 16:54


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